Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Idea Generation

Idea Generation is a systematic search in attempt to find new ideas for products and services (Law, J. 2014).  The idea generation process consists of creating, developing and then communicating a new idea, format or solution.  Toubia, O. (2006) considers idea generation a vital component to the design and marketing of new products and services, particularly in aligning them with the marketing strategy and strategic plan of the organisation.
Another important facet of idea generation is that it encourages divergent thinking beyond current ranges, this can help to create a wide variety of ideas. Leonard, N. and Ambrose, G. (2013) recognise the significance of research in idea generation stating that without research driving the generation of many new ideas, successful outcomes cannot be reached.  This is supported by Rosenau, M.D. (2000) who highlights the importance of generating a large quantity of ideas to be filtered down as only a select few new product development ideas eventually lead to commercial success.

An example of successful idea generation in Sport would be Street Luge.  The idea of Street Luge was created in Southern California as downhill skateboarders decided to try lying on their skateboards.  Through doing this they realised that they could reach faster speeds, brake using their feet and control direction easier by leaning.

Since the early 1970’s when the idea was first formed, the sport has been adapted with new rules and safety regulations due to the faster speeds now being achieved.  In addition, the Luge board has been adapted and made longer, wider and with thicker wheels to aid stability and speed.  In 1995, ESPN X Games showcased Street Luge, this increased awareness of the sport has helped lead to it now being performed in more countries and the sport now boasts 1200 regular participants with top riders reaching speeds of almost 100mph (, no date).

A sport which may benefit from a change in format is Netball.  Rule changes could include allowing minor contact and obstruction on the court except for within the shooting circles.  This would make the sport more free-flowing and exciting, which would help to increase spectators and raise the profile of professional netball.

The Tennis scoring system could be adapted to be easier to understand and create more important point moments.  Each point won would count as one point with each game being first to five points.  The winner of a set would be determined by who reaches five games first unless the score is four games all.  In this situation a tie-break would be used with players serving for a point then receiving a point.  The winner would be determined by who breaks two of the opponents serving points first. 

A new sporting event could be a ‘Gymathlon’ where competitors complete exercises using every muscle group.  This would be set out in a circuit format with a referee ensuring competitors use good form and points would be scored depending on how many repetitions and distances could be completed over a set time period. 

Griffioen, A. (2014) Available at: (Accessed: 29 October 2014). (no date) (Accessed: 24 October 2014).
Law, J. (2014) A Dictionary of Business and Management. Oxford University Press.
Leonard, N. and Ambrose, G. (2013). Idea Generation. Switzerland: AVA Publishing SA.
Milton D. Rosenau, JR. (2000). Successful Product Development. Houston: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Pleasant Valley Tennis & Fitness Club (2010) Available at: (Accessed: 29 October 2014).
Street Luge NL (2006) Available at: (Accessed: 29 October 2014).
Toubia, O. (2006) ‘Idea generation, creativity, and incentives’, Marketing science, 25.5, pp. 411-425. (Accessed: 24 October 2014).



  1. You have used a suitable structure throughout i.e. the first third providing an academic foundation, the second third giving an example from a stated source, and the third section providing your own ideas - good. There is sufficient academic content in the first section. The second section provides an excellent example of a new sport/physical activity format, and its evolution. Your ideas have potential for development, but think about the impact for the target market (why fix something that isn't broken i.e. tennis scoring) and the longevity of the new format. You have provided an excellent start to Assignment 2a.
